The East Riding Food Poverty Alliance were delighted to be working in partnership with East Riding of Yorkshire Council in the provision of a summer holiday food packs as part of the Holiday Activities and Food Programme (HAF) funded by the Department for Education.
The Holiday Activities and Food Programme (HAF) was a separate scheme to the Covid Support Vouchers and provides additional support to children eligible to receive free school meals. All children on free school meals were welcome to up to 2 food packs and each pack contained a recipe booklet with delicious recipes to give families inspiration to use their ingredients.
To ensure the maximum amount of children were reached during the delivery of the programme, contact was made with the schools to arrange collection points and dates for the first delivery of the food hampers. For the second delivery we developed a click and collect system for families to book a slot to collect their second free food pack from a location that was suitable for them. The click and collect system provided appointment times at 25 pick-up points across the East Riding during the first 4 weeks of the summer holidays.
It was such a pleasure collaborating with all parties involved and we successfully distributed food packs to 4,133 in receipt of free school meals.
Please feel free to download the Summer HAF recipe booklet below for yummy, affordable meals to make at home.