Low income families at risk of food insecurity

Figures from the recent The Food Foundation report, The Impossible Challenge: Affording healthy food for the low income families with children, show that ‘among the poorest fifth of the population, the households with children would need to spend 70% of their disposable income on food to meet the cost of the Government-recommended healthy diet.’

It is reported that low income households without children need to spend around 43% to achieve a ‘healthy diet’. Whilst this figure is still high, it highlights the levels of insecurity between those with and without children.

With the recent 1.8% rise in food costs, more families are going to be pushed further into poverty. This is perpetuated further during the school holidays, without the access to free school meals.

ERFPA members are there to support residents in the East Riding who are struggling this summer. Use our mapping tool to locate your nearest food support network.

Click here to read the full report: https://foodfoundation.org.uk/…/Affordability%20.pdf

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